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Co-construction and Sharing: Safe, Green and Beautiful Life
Author: Far East Holding Group Post: 2019-05-10 Hits: 【Print】 【Close】


  To pay tribute to the long-term care of Far East partners and all sectors of the society and to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People"s Republic of China (PRC), Far East Holding Group held the 2019 Annual Meeting of Global Strategic Partners in Yixing City, Jiangsu Province, from May 9 to 11. Themed "Co-construction and Sharing: Safe, Green and Beautiful Life", this event invited Far East"s global strategic partners to look into the bright future and open a new chapter of cooperation and partnership.


  Scene of 2019 Annual Meeting of Global Strategic Partners of Far East Holding Group

  Liu Yamin, Secretary of the Leading Party Members" Group and Director of the Standing Committee of Yixing Municipal People"s Congress, Zhu Xufeng, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Yixing Municipal Committee and Director of the Administrative Committee of Yixing Environmental Technology Industrial Park, He Xiaojin, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Yixing Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Yixing Municipal Government, and other government leaders, as well as well-known entrepreneurs, experts and scholars from home and abroad all attended the grand event. The audience was quite expressive.


  He Xiaojin, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Yixing Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Yixing Municipal Government, delivers a speech

  In the speech, He Xiaojin mentioned that Yixing, as one of the birthplaces of China"s township industry, holds its place in the top ten among national county-level cities in terms of basic economic competitiveness, and has won the honorary title of an advanced city for high-quality development in Jiangsu Province in 2018. This feat is largely attributed to a cohort of high-quality enterprises with sound strength represented by Far East Holding Group. He hopes that Far East Holding Group will consistently adhere to the positioning of high-quality development, firmly set the development goal of "becoming a world-class century-old famous enterprise" and accelerate building itself into a 100-billion-level flagship enterprise and a benchmark intelligent energy enterprise. He also hopes that entrepreneurs present will continue to give Far East and Yixing more attention and support and further deepen negotiation and cooperation, in a bid to reap more fruitful results and create a better future.


  Jiang Chengzhi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Member of the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group and Chairman of Far East Smarter Energy, delivers a speech

  Jiang Chengzhi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Member of the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group and Chairman of Far East Smarter Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Smarter Energy”, stock code: 600869) addressed the event. In his speech, Jiang expressed his warm welcome to all the guests present. He believed that this activity will help Far East establish a heart-to-heart link with its strategic partners, and he hopes that everyone can be grateful towards the past, share in achievements, seek common development and achieve a win-win.

  He said that Far East is always focused on product, quality and compliance, making constant and solid effort in offering quality products. On the basis, Far East expects to shift the relationship with its partners from one purely based on interests to one based on identification of mutual cultures and values, from one providing a makeshift way out to one offering a systematic solution, and from a simple point-to-point one to a strategic multi-dimensional one; to enhance cooperation with its partners in scientific research, technology, management improvement, talent training, sharing finance and other areas to seek common development.

  He pointed out that 2019 is not only the first year of Far East"s Five-Year Plan, but also the key year of its strategic upgrading. Holding firm to deepening its presence in smart energy and smart city and based on the positioning of a smart energy Internet equipment manufacturer and industry solution provider, the Far East will focus on four key businesses by increasing investment in their research and development, establish heart-to-heart links with customers by adhering to the customer-oriented philosophy and continuously improve its comprehensive competitiveness by sticking to the industry-leading strategies.


  Zhu Gongshan, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Golden Concord Holdings Limited (GCL Group), delivers a speech

  In the speech, Zhu Gongshan said that Far East is a respectable quality enterprise. Going forward, GCL Group will strive together with Far East for China"s energy industry so as to achieve a win-win and usher China"s energy industry into an era of fast development. In the end, he wished the Far East a greater success.


  Fang Jian, President of Wuxi Financial Investment Group Co., Ltd., delivers a speech

  In the speech, Fang Jian pointed out that private enterprises will face both tough challenges and good opportunities in the coming years, and Chinese enterprises will enter a period of great opportunities for their development. He expects more opportunities to cooperate with Far East and achieve development together.


  Ye Zhizhong, Deputy General Manager of Yunnan Aerospace Industry Co., Ltd. and General Manager of Yunnan Aerospace Shenzhou Automobile Co., Ltd., delivers a speech

  Ye Zhizhong said that it is a great honor to attend this annual meeting. He said frankly that he admires the strategic vision of the Far East and hopes that the Far East will strengthen research and development, improve product quality, upgrade core technologies, and develop more high-quality, market-leading batteries that meet the market demand. He also expects to deepen cooperation with the Far East so as to forge ahead and achieve development hand in hand on new energy.

  "Unite as One to Pursue a Dream"


  Chen Jing, Member of the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group, Chief Operating Officer of Smarter Energy, and Executive General Manager of Far East Cable, makes a report on the Strategic Development of Smarter Energy.

  Chen Jing, Member of the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group, Chief Operating Officer of Smarter Energy, and Executive General Manager of Far East Cable, makes a report on the Strategic Development of Smarter Energy. She said that Smarter Energy will focus on developing four major sectors: smart cables and power products, smart airport/energy system services, smart car power and energy storage systems, and industrial Internet.

  In 2019 marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People"s Republic of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping ever pointed out in his speech that we are in an important strategic period of development. This year is also the first year of the Far East’s Five-Year Plan and the key year of its strategic upgrading. Looking ahead, the Far East expects to create a better life through promoting green energy, to establish a community of interests with its partners through staying true to its original mission and keep pace with national strategies, thus developing Smarter Energy into a global service provider. She believed that through the unremitting efforts of the Far East people, the Far East Holding Group can make contributions to China’s achieving the national goal of becoming a country with industrial strength. In the end, she expressed her gratitude towards every partner for their support to the Far East. Going forward, the Far East will continue to remain customer-oriented, establish heart-to-heart links with partners, and honor its commitment to offering high-quality power products to every family.

  Launching Ceremony for Far East Foster New Energy Co., Ltd.


  Professor Chen Qingquan, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), sends a congratulatory video


  Launching Ceremony for Far East Foster New Energy Co., Ltd.

  The Launching Ceremony for Far East Foster New Energy Co., Ltd. was held in the witness of more than 200 heavyweight guests. Liu Yamin, Director of the Standing Committee of Yixing Municipal People"s Congress, Zhu Xufeng, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Yixing Municipal Committee and Director of the Administrative Committee of Yixing Environmental Technology Industrial Park, He Xiaojin, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Yixing Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Yixing, Yang Jie, Secretary of the Party Committee of Gaocheng Town, Ye Zhizhong, Deputy Director of Yunnan Provincial Space Administration, Deputy General Manager of Yunnan Aerospace Industry Co., Ltd, and General Manager of Yunnan Aerospace Shenzhou Automotive Co., Ltd., Zhang Chongshun, President of Huachen Xinri New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Xinri Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., Wang Xiaohong, Deputy General Manager of Geely Technology Group Co., Ltd., Ding Chunhua, Director of the Purchasing Department of New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. of Jiangling Motors Corporation Limited, Wen Yibo, President of Sound Group, Zhou Aiping, Executive Vice President of Shenzhen Capchem Technology Co.,Ltd., Li Jianzhong, General Manager of Beijing Easpring Material Technology Co., Ltd., Yang Hongqiang, General Sales Manager of Shenzhen BTR New Energy Material Co., Ltd., Jiang Xipei, founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Secretary of the Party Committee of Far East Holding Group, Jiang Chengzhi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Member of the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group and President of Smarter Energy, Lang Hua, Member of the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group and President & Chief Investment Officer of Smarter Energy, and Wu Songjian, Member of the Board of Directors and General Manager of Far East Foster New Energy Jiangsu Co., Ltd. attended the event and Professor Chen Qingquan, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), sent a congratulatory video.

  Far East signs contracts with strategic customers






  Over the past 34 years since its establishment in 1985, the Far East has undergone five restructurings and six leap-forward advancements, and now has developed into a large private group ranked among Top 500 Enterprises of China and Top 500 Brands of Asia. Without the care, support and trust of its partners and all sectors of the society, the Far East wouldn"t have achieved these achievements. Therefore, it has signed agreements with a host of strategic customers and suppliers present, forged cooperative relations, and reached consensus on mutual future development strategies and long-term cooperative relations.

  "Co-construction and Sharing: Safe, Green and Beautiful Life" Theme Forum


  Co-construction and Sharing: Safe, Green and Beautiful Life Theme Forum


  Zhang Zhengyu: I believe that the Far East Cable which has held the lead in transformation will also lead the pack in China and even the whole world.


  Qian Jinnai: Thanks to a group of Chinese entrepreneurs who are dedicated to developing industry like Chairman Jiang, China is gaining a foothold in the international economic system.


  Zhang Chongshun: Far East Smarter Energy has carved out a reputation across the industry for strength, credibility and rigorous standards for quality. Therefore, choosing Far East as a partner is the best choice.


  Li Peiyu: China Business Journal has a deep connection with the Far East, and has interviewed Chairman Jiang Xipei many times.


  Wu Yujie: As an entrepreneur, you should make continuous efforts, and dare to make innovations and rise above challenges. Only in this way can you create a better future.


  Zhang Tianren: There is great scope for cooperation between Far East and Tianneng Battery Group Co., Ltd.


  Hu Ying: In the future, we will seek cooperation with the Far East in competitive industries and forge ahead hand in hand.


  Wen Yibo: I do believe the Far East has a rosy future, and will eventually become a leading player in the international new energy industry.


  Si Xiangfang: An enterprise is up-and-coming, as long as its employees can unite as one and hang together.

  Following the signing of the strategic agreements, the highlight of this annual event came. Nine representatives — Zhang Zhengyu, President of Hengji Weiye Investment Development Group Co., Ltd., Qian Jinnai, President of Dehui Group, Zhang Chongshun, President of Huachen Xinri New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Xinri Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., Li Peiyu, Editor-in-Chief of China Business Journal, Wu Yujie, President of Delong Holdings Limited, Zhang Tianren, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tianneng Battery Group Co., Ltd. and representative of the 12th and 13th National People"s Congress, Hu Ying, President of Jiangsu Private Investment Holding Co., Ltd., Wen Yibo, President of Sound Group, and Si Xiangfang, President of Shandong Hengxin Group Co., Ltd. — held a forum dialogue on the theme of "Co-construction and Sharing: Safe, Green and Beautiful Life".

  Believe in the Power of Belief


  A keynote speech by Jiang Xipei

  Jiang Xipei gave a wonderful speech on the theme of "believing in the power of belief and believing that you can achieve what you want to achieve".

  Believe in national policies

  Jiang Xipei said that after 40 years of reform and opening up, China has started to come to the fore in the world arena, and is bound to play an important role in the future in building a global community of shared future for mankind and making everyone live a happy and beautiful life. Believe in the national policies, and the country always guides the way ahead for the Far East.

  Believe in national guidance

  Jiang Xipei pointed out that we should support, agree with and follow the agenda put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping. No doubt happiness is the result of hard work, but we should work together for and share in the happiness. Although there are many difficulties and challenges in the future, they are temporary. As our country has won international recognition and support, things have changed completely now and our Chinese are trying to change the world. Believe in the power of belief. That"s why the Far East can get where it is today.

  Believe in your faith

  Jiang Xipei believed that in whatever environment we find ourselves, we should stay true to our original mission and dream, and consider every difficulty we encounter an opportunity to pay our dues. We firmly believe that as you sow, so shall you reap, and goods deeds will repay you in a good way. Believe in your faith, because every faith of you will leave a mark on you, and may bring about a certain result and consequence immediately.

  Believe in the power of enterprises

  Jiang Xipei stressed his expectation that our Far East people can develop a stronger sense of patriotism and responsibility, always keep our partners in mind, establish a heart-to-heart link with our customers, and benefit them with specific actions, best products and services. Only by staying abreast of the times and national strategies and truly understanding General Secretary Xi"s governance ideas, and only by keeping pace with the corporate strategies and truly understanding the corporate leadership can an enterprise become better and better and can a country become stronger and stronger.

  "Entrusting and Inheritance" Theme Forum


  Scene of "Entrusting and Inheritance" Theme Forum


  Jiang Xipei: Entrusting and inheritance are everlasting topics. If you want to inherit, fostering the next generation is of paramount importance. Only by living up to customers" trust, can we deliver satisfying results in entrusting and inheritance. Self-cultivation is not only in the interests of your country, but also your home.


  Huang Litai: Parents are a mirror of their children. A good example can help children develop a broad mind, broaden their horizons and boost their confidence.


  Zhou Haijiang: Learning from the older generation is most important for inheritance. One is to learn their morality. The other is to learn their spirit of hardworking and continuous innovation.


  Luo Weidong: Our understanding of entrusting and inheritance may vary according from life stage to life stage. We may have different understanding and feeling towards them in each stage.


  Tan Yiliang: From his part, trust is the essence of entrusting. Every entrepreneur is both entrustee and inheritor.


  Chen Zemin: Any people can start a business regardless of age, and any product can achieve a huge success regardless of size.


  He Jia: Since our childhood, our parents have kept telling us to remain single-minded and disciplined.


  Jiang Chengzhi: Our older generation"s thoughts are our greatest wealth. I am confident that we can inherit the ideas of our fathers and make our contributions to the rise of our country.


  Jiang Chenghong: A cultural family has given him qualities of kindness, wisdom and sincerity, abilities of cultivating himself, managing a family well and administering an enterprise, as well as a world outlook of patriotism.

  We should promote positive energy and advance unity of conscience and action. By staying true to our original mission, we promote inheritance out of love; by improving ourselves with great virtue and learning, we consolidate our position as forerunner; by encouraging unity of conscience and action, we show the spirit of our Far East people. Our Far East is committed to ensuring compliance in corporate development, awakening conscience from the heart and cultivating qualities in the heart, in a bid to exploit the spiritual treasure. Talent, diligence and opportunity help to create wealth. However, what we should do to protect, inherit and develop a career and make it last forever?

  Jiang Xipei, founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Secretary of the Party Committee of Far East Holding Group, Huang Litai, President of Jiangsu LAD Group Co., Ltd., Zhou Haijiang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hodo Group, Luo Weidong, General Manager of Jiangsu Jiangrun Copper Co., Ltd., Tan Yiliang, President of Joru Senior Care Group, Chen Zemin, originator of China"s quick frozen food and President of Zhengzhou Demeter New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., He Jia, President of East Group Co., Ltd., Jiang Chengzhi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Member of the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group and President of Far East Smarter Energy, and Jiang Chenghong, Member of the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group and founder and CEO of Beijing Linyun Information Technology Co., Ltd., jointly participated in the "Entrusting and Inheritance" Theme Forum.

  "Millions of Happy Families"


  Teacher Fang Zi delivers a keynote speech

  Teacher Fang Zi from Zhiliangzhi Courtyard introduced ten paths to build the most beautiful family in her keynote speech Millions of Happy Families. She pointed out that the root of building a happy family lies in the heart, because heart is the source of the Tao and the Tao is the embodiment of heart. Heart decides the Tao, the Tao decides the virtue, and the virtue decides what kind of person you will be, what kind of family you will have and what kind of career you will possess.

  She stressed that the root of a family"s prosperity lies in the continuous improvement of one"s spiritual quality. Only in this way can the family achieve a vertical moving up from "building up a family fortune" to "cultivating a family with virtue and establishing a family with the Tao" and finally to "making a family handed down by heart". We must believe that family can be built. Making a success of your family can not only help make your career more successful and your country more powerful, but also make you happier and round off your life with spiritual enlightenment.

  "Cultivate Tao with a Pure Heart to Achieve Greatness"


  Teacher Bai Lixin delivers a keynote speech

  Teacher Bai Lixin from Zhiliangzhi Courtyard pointed out in his speech that the Enterprise 3.0 Strategy is to improve our own spiritual quality, benefit others and establish a heart-to-heart link with our customers. When we establish a heart-to-heart link with our customers, we can scale new heights in both our businesses and spiritual qualities. As long as we can develop spiritual treasures, we can break through the bottleneck and ceiling and discover the blue ocean, stay abreast with each other and co-build and share a beautiful life.

  Brand Declaration


  Scene of Brand Declaration

  In the final stage of the grand event, Jiang Xipei led all the directors, supervisors, and senior management of Far East to read out together with all the guests present the Declaration of Chinese Brand (Yixing), "We solemnly promise to abide by the national standards, strictly control the quality and jointly lay solid foundations for the development of Chinese independent brands; manage our enterprises with dedication, honesty and integrity and remain a firm executor and defender of the integrity system; maintain good cooperation with peers and resolutely resist unfair competition; establish a comprehensive brand management system, continuously improve innovation ability and build advantages in brand ecology; give full play to the leading role of brands, use brands to promote industrial upgrading, consciously safeguard the reputation of industrial brands, and co-build and share a safe, green and beautiful life." Everyone present expressed their willingness to support the call of the Far East and do their own bit to the rise of Chinese brands.

  Major leaders of Far East in the middle of interviews


  Jiang Xipei in the middle of an exclusive interview


  Jiang Chengzhi in the middle of an exclusive interview


  Jiang Huajun (right) and Chen Jing in the middle of an exclusive interview


  Zhuang Taiwei in the middle of an exclusive interview

  Jiang Xipei, founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Secretary of the Party Committee of Far East Holding Group, Jiang Chengzhi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Member of the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group and President of Smarter Energy, Jiang Huajun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Member of the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group and Vice President and CEO of Smarter Energy, Chen Jing, Member of the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group, Chief Operating Officer of Smarter Energy, and Executive General Manager of Far East Cable, and Zhuang Taiwei, Chief Human Resource Officer of Far East Holding Group and Executive Principal of Far East University, were interviewed on site by many media including China Industry & Information Technology, China News Service, China Industry News, NetEase and LinkedIn China, and shared their views on many questions like the future development trend of the cable industry and the application prospects of smart cables.

  Gratitude Dinner


  Scene of Gratitude Dinner


  Jiang Xipei makes a toast

  At the gratitude dinner, Jiang Xipei made a toast, "We have dreams and ideals, and we are patriotic and responsible like everyone sitting here. With everyone"s trust and entrusting in mind, we remain hardworking and enterprising, and strive to unite conscience and action, because we have every reason to live up to your trust and entrusting. I hope that our Far East people will always be grateful. Thank this era, thank everyone and thank our parents for encouraging, allowing and enabling us to start and develop a business with more enthusiasm. On this occasion, let"s toast a stronger country and happier people! Let"s toast a happier life, a stronger next generation, and a more prosperous career!"





  Scene of the Awarding Ceremony during the Gratitude Dinner




  Excellent Variety Show Performances

  Since the introduction of reform and opening up, our country has infused infinite vitality into and boosted the development of the Far East, and all sectors of the society and our partners have also given their full support. Going forward, the Far East will unite as one and forge ahead, and will also join hand in hand with partners with gratitude to achieve growth and face challenges.



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