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Chairman Jiang Chengzhi Attended a Private Session with Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Author: Wei Jie Post: 2019-06-12 Hits: 【Print】 【Close】

  Recently,a private session themed on "For a Better Future -- the Power of Entrepreneurs" jointly held by Yango Holdings and Z.H.ISLAND took place in Shanghai, China. The meeting, chaired by He Mei, Chairman of Yango Holdings, invited more than 20 representatives of Chinese entrepreneurs and Ban Ki-moon (Eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN), Chairman of Boao Forum for Asia) to explore ways to leverage the clout of business leaders and paths to realize sustainable development. Jiang Chengzhi, Director and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Far East Holding Group Co., Ltd., Chairman of Far East Smarter Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Smarter Energy”, stock code: 600869) attended the meeting.


  Group Photo of Attendees

  As the first UN secretary-general from East Asia ever, Ban Ki-moon is definitely an outstanding politician and diplomat. During his tenure as Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon pushed forward the UN to adopt the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and countries to accept the Paris Agreement on climate change. When his terms ended, Ban Ki-moon still has been engaged in promoting the sustainable development of mankind. Ban Ki-moon has always been committed to pushing forward the sustainable development of the global economy and society, and has made respectable contributions. He also sets a good example for Chinese entrepreneurs. It is expected that both sides can work together to promote the sustainable development of business community and human society.


  Ban Ki-moon, Eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations, Chairman of Boao Forum for Asia, is delivering a speech

  Regarding the role of enterprises, Ban Ki-moon believes that the sustainability of society can contribute to the sustainability of business, and the sustainability of business will further contribute to the sustainability of outstanding enterprises. Therefore, entrepreneurs are the backbone to realize global sustainable development. He pointed out that opportunities and challenges coexist in today"s world, and piles of issues such as poverty and environment need to be addressed by joint efforts of all countries in the world. Partnerships between governments and enterprises are crucial among global partners, meaning entrepreneurs will play a key role in the development of the global economy. This thus urges enterprises to assume a significant social responsibility. They should not only make contributions for their employees, but also for the whole society and the whole world.

  In China, the concept of sustainable development has been deeply rooted in society. Not only the government attaches great importance to it, but enterprises also respond positively to it, providing a practical "China approach" for the sustainable development of global economy and society.

  During the exchange, Ban Ki-moon and Jiang Chengzhi, together with other attendees including Liu Donghua, Lin Tengjiao, Liu Yonghang, Wang Junhao, Nong Lize, Zhang Weixiang, Hu Chengzhong, Cai Jin’an, Yu Songbo, Tan Yiliang and Luo Rusheng, expressed a deep understanding on global sustainable development. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurs introduced their experiences and experience in carrying forward sustainable development in more than 30 industries, including environmental protection, education, energy and health care.


  Photo of Jiang Chengzhi (Left) and Ban Ki-moon (Right)

  Ban Ki-moon stressed that enterprises should not only develop themselves, but also fulfill their social responsibilities, which is crucial to realizing the goal of global sustainable development. Chinese entrepreneurs have already gained experience in this field, and we are looking forward to Chinese entrepreneurs contributing more.



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