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Blockbuster! Far East Holdings Was Selected as National Industrial Internet Pilot Demonstration!
Author: fegroup Post: 2022-02-15 Hits: 【Print】 【Close】

On January 14, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the list of 2021 industrial Internet pilot demonstration projects, the Far East Holding Group industrial Internet identification analysis secondary nodes and innovative application pilot demonstration projects were successfully selected.

In order to thoroughly implement the Guidance of The State Council on deepening the "Internet + Advanced Manufacturing" development of the Industrial Internet, in-depth implementation of the industrial Internet innovation development strategy, and promotion the integration of industrial Internet application, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched the 2021 industrial Internet pilot demonstration selection work, and a batch of industrial Internet pilot demonstration projects will be selected based on 17 specific directions of network integration innovation, platform integration innovation, security integration innovation and park integration innovation.

After independent declaration, local recommendation, expert review, Far East Holdings industrial Internet identification analysis of secondary nodes were successfully selected network integration innovation direction - industrial Internet identification analysis of secondary nodes and innovation application pilot demonstration, and become one of the country's only 6 enterprises! After successively obtaining the national new generation of information technology and manufacturing integration development pilot demonstration, national intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration, Far East Holdings got another major breakthrough in the direction of the national industrial Internet!

As an important part of the new infrastructure of the industrial Internet, Industrial Internet identification is the key support and key hub to achieve industrial data flow, information delivery, and has important significance in promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, and improving network security. Industrial Internet identification analysis has become the benchmark of new infrastructure.

In December 2020, Kuang Guangzheng (third from left) attended the launching ceremony of the logo analysis secondary node of Far East Holding Group

The Far East Holdings bears the service of national industrial Internet identity system (cable manufacturing industry) secondary node construction operations, promoting identification system, providing industrial code integration services for industry enterprises, getting through the supply chain upstream and downstream, realizing the collaborative manufacturing, and providing industry data analysis, digital precision marketing value-added services, such as node number: 88.220. The second-level identification and parsing node of cable manufacturing industry connects with the national top node upward to realize real-time data synchronization and parsing services, complete identification resource allocation and management, information system construction and operation, identification application docking and promotion, and access the entire identification and parsing system through interconnection with the national top node. We provide comprehensive secondary node construction, signage application development and operation support services.

Far East intelligent Manufacturing sign value chain panorama

In addition to the group, Far East holdings also promotes industrial Internet signage applications and its innovative applications to smes, upstream and downstream suppliers and other enterprises in the industry, add products and equipment to the only industrial Internet id code, support to identify the data access control, confidentiality and integrity protection. We have realized a variety of typical integrated innovative application modes of label analysis in cable manufacturing industry, such as process optimization management, product quality traceability and product life cycle management based on label analysis.

As a cable industry leader, Far East Holdings completes the secondary node marks to demonstrate the application of the industry application, which has very profound influence. The Far East is not only the project owner platform, but also a user of platform identity applications. We build the identity of the typical application scenarios in line with national industrial Internet identity construction, widely used in industrial Internet identity, promote the wire and cable manufacturing industry big data connectivity, on the basis of data assets, authors synergies, stimulate users derive value. We also integrate wire and cable manufacturing field and Internet field comprehensive resources, promote the segmentation of industrial Internet application to lead the digital transformation of manufacturing industry, to ensure the continuous construction and development of the industrial Internet identification system.

 In the future, Based on the current construction of secondary nodes, Far East Holdings will complete the iterative update of the functional system of secondary nodes for identification and analysis in cable manufacturing industry, accelerate industrial aggregation and promote the cultivation of identification industry ecology on the basis of innovative application of identification and analysis system based on product traceability and product life cycle management. We will also promote the identification industry ecological cultivation, build security, stable, efficient and reliable industrial analytical system as the important base and support for Internet identity, develop typical application solutions for the industry, further contribute to the social and economic development of the industry and the region, and help Make China into a better future!



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